
Quick Start

Default text when page first loads - brief context and instructions. Legend for scores that are visible on screen and description of how they were calculated.

Broadband Score
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

About this map

There is no one source of truth for broadband quality. This map combines various data sources and shows an average broadband score by New York census tract.

Scores View: Click any census tract
to view its broadband and demographic data. Remember to zoom in to see detail down to the land use level!
Comparison View: The FCC collects data from ISPs (Internet Service Providers) on the broadband speeds they provide. However these speeds don't always line up with speeds experienced by consumers. Display ISP-reported broadband speeds on the left
of the map and corresponding measured speeds on the right
, then slide to compare
these speeds across the state. Use this checkbox
to apply the same values to colors on both sides of the map. Return to the scores view
at any time.

Broadband Score

A scoring system was developed to provide a single metric that captures the overall performance and accessibility of broadband in a census tract. The score creates a single Broadband Score by combining data fields from various datasets after analysis & modeling.
Data values in those fields were split into quintiles and thus each census tract received a score of 1-5 based on the average of the quintile it fell into for each field. For each variable and the score itself, a lower value indicates worse performance and a higher value indicates better performance.

The full data dictionary containing fields used to calculate the score and all fields visualized is available on this Github repository .

Blank census tracts indicate no Broadband Score due to a lack of data.
Broadband/Demographic Data
  • bottom
  • middle percentile
  • top